Welfare funding at almost three in five councils will not be replaced if an £820m hardship scheme comes to an end in September, the government has been warned.
Clamping down on disability benefits without a proper understanding of why the welfare bill is soaring is “risky in the extreme”, and may exacerbate poverty, a new report has warned.
A profound shift in welfare policy that has seen pensioners benefit at the expense of the working-age population has weakened the social security safety net for those most in need, according to new...
Benefits should be increased on a guaranteed basis every year as part of an overhaul to improve the consistency, transparency and accountability of the social security system, the government has been...
People on benefits face “crushing poverty” if payments are not increased in line with inflation, Kwasi Kwarteng has been told, amid concerns the government could refuse to do so.
Payment errors and benefit fraud hit their highest-ever level in 2019-2020, prior to the full coronavirus lockdown, according to a National Audit Office report into the Department for Work and...
Proponents of universal basic income believe their case has been strengthened by the sudden shock of the pandemic, with several countries implementing emergency schemes, but what form should it take...
Fraud and errors related to payments made by the Department for Work and Pensions have reached record highs and are set to grow due to universal credit.