Since the financial crisis there has been “significant cuts” to areas such as working age benefits and public order and safety, an Institute for Fiscal Studies report has found.
Chief financial officers should get a full picture of the financial performance throughout their organisations to ensure accountability and to prepare for change
The Public Accounts Committee has a vital role in providing parliamentary oversight of government spending and public services but its work is changing in response to devolution. There is a need for...
Auditors general from around the world will gather in Abu Dhabi for the congress of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions in December. PF asked six of them to share their hopes...
A lack of global accountability causes poor performance in any organisation. Sports bodies provide graphic examples – but they are not entirely at fault
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Defence have both had their 2015-16 accounts qualified by the auditor general.
The turmoil created by Brexit presents an ideal opportunity to address a range of constitutional anomalies, not least the fragmented system for public service complaints
Grant Thornton has today issued a public interest report on Derby City Council in response to governance failings, including mismanagement of a major project in response to equal pay legislation.
Westminster City Council has claimed to have produced the earliest ever set of public sector accounts after getting its books for 2015/16 to external auditors on 9 April, only nine days after the...
Lord Kerslake does not hold back when it comes to challenging government policy. The former civil service chief talks to PF about what’s wrong with the housing bill, his review of the Treasury...
Foreign companies in the UK, France, the Netherlands, Nigeria and Afghanistan are to be forced to reveal their true owners following today’s Anti-Corruption Summit in London.
CIPFA has today launched a new anti-corruption qualification that will help boost defences against bribery across both public sector organisations and businesses.
A number of action points emerge from exploring the role of public sector non-executives. The challenge will be making them happen, observes Ann Reeder
Given the collapse of public confidence in many institutions, the role of non-executive directors in restoring trust is paramount, writes Margaret Casely-Hayford