How tax and austerity can be two sides to the same coin

10 Sep 21

CIPFA chief economist Jeffrey Matsu assesses the potential impacts of the government’s new health and social care levy.  

  • Jeffrey Matsu

    Jeffrey Matsu is chief economist at CIPFA. With extensive experience in connecting policy with practice through evidence-based research, he works with partner governments, accountancy bodies and the public sector around the world to advance public finance and support better public services.

    Previously, Jeff was responsible for market analysis and thought leadership at the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and co-led the economy theme at the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence.

    He was also a senior economist at Morgan Stanley and served on the research staff at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in Washington DC.

    Jeff holds degrees in economics from the University of Washington and Johns Hopkins University.

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