By Vivienne Russell | 16 August 2011
Almost two-thirds of public sector workers plan to stay in their current jobs and few have any intention of moving to the private sector, according to a survey by recruitment consultancy Badenoch & Clark.
Indeed, the survey of 1,000 public sector employees found that almost a third (31%) were happy in their job. Those in Yorkshire were happiest, with almost half (44.7%) saying they were content to remain in their current position.
The poll uncovered some reasons for employees’ loyalty to the public sector. Chief among these was job longevity, with 41% of respondents saying the length of time they had stayed in their role made them reluctant to leave.
More than third (38%) cited a sense of making a difference, while good colleagues and a better work/life balance were also given as motivations to stay in the public sector.
Commenting on the survey’s findings, Nicola Linkleter, managing director at Badenoch & Clark, said: ‘Given the unprecedented level of change in the public sector over the past six months, these findings highlight the continued sense of belonging felt by many within this sector.
‘For a lot of employees their longevity in the role does make them fearful of change, but equally the work/life balance offered by the public sector roles and the sense of purpose achieved from their position give them strong reason to stay.
‘While benefits including pensions do rank highly in public workers’ reasons to remain in the sector, these findings also show that there are stronger drivers behind employees’ desire to stay.’
Linkleter added that public sector employers needed to ensure this sense of loyalty was nurtured and supported and employees’ expertise and commitment recognised.
‘Now is the time to identify and reward top talent within the organisation to retain key employees and attract future external talent as the public sector repositions itself,’ she said.