Councils fear they will be hung out to dry

30 Jul 09
Local authorities are worried that they might be forced to fund the free swimming scheme instituted by the government in the run-up to the 2012 London Olympics
Local authorities are worried that they might be forced to fund the free swimming scheme instituted by the government in the run-up to the 2012 London Olympics.

After the release of figures showing how many people are taking advantage of the scheme, the Local Government Association has appealed for the government to fund the scheme beyond 2011.

Chris White, chair of the LGA’s culture, sport and tourism committee, said: ‘Funding nearly four and a half million free swimming sessions comes at a substantial cost to both central government and local councils. Further research is needed to show whether or not these sessions are in addition to people who would have been taking exercise anyway, and whether they’re helping improve public health.

‘Councils have proved their commitment by picking up a substantial share of the bill and the next step must be for the government to make a clear commitment to keep the scheme running for longer.’

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