Town halls should tap social networks

9 Oct 08

10 October 2008

A local government think-tank has launched a project with town halls to champion the use of social networking websites to promote young people's involvement in local democracy and services.

The Local Government Information Unit's children's services network launched the pathfinder group to begin a six-month phase of work on social networks with project information shared via the Facebook website.

The communications industry regulator Ofcom published research in April showing that nearly half of children with access to the internet had profiles on a social networking site.

The LGIU believes that local authorities, and private and third-sector service providers, should develop their capacity and commitment to engaging young people through websites such as Facebook, MySpace and Bebo. It also suggests limited and monitored use in schools.

A survey of youth service managers and web managers at 45 councils found 72% of respondents were familiar with Facebook, with more than half having personal profiles on the site.

Head of the children's services network Jasmine Ali said: 'Social networking is an amazing medium for children's services, and if we are to get more people involved in the political process, we need to think about these sites as another avenue.'


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