Chi slams failures in breast cancer screening

18 Apr 02
The Department of Health is to review the national breast cancer screening programme following a report that highlighted 'unacceptable and avoidable' failures in one London screening service.

19 April 2002

A report from the Commission for Health Improvement (Chi) found that 11 women were wrongly given the all-clear by the West of London Breast Screening Service. One woman, whose diagnosis was delayed by 15 months, has since died of breast cancer.

Chi said the service, which is part of the Hammersmith Hospitals Trust, had failed because of a lack of leadership, staff shortages and confusing file labelling, which meant that women who should have been recalled immediately were sent letters saying they would be recalled in three years.

Chi examined 174,000 tests going back to 1993 and found 123 women received the wrong results and should have been called back for further tests. 'We are saying this is a wake-up call to all breast-screening services,' said Linda Patterson, Chi medical director.

Chi chief executive Peter Homa said: 'National guidance was neglected, despite attention being drawn to it and despite files being mixed up in the past.'

The trust apologised to the women and their families and said it had brought in a new team to manage the unit.


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