Inspire your team for the year ahead

9 Dec 13
New year, new challenges. In 2014 there will be more funding cuts, more upheavals and ever more demand for public services. The best way to motivate your team in trying times is to lead from the front, writes Pam Jones. Here are 10 ways to keep pulling together

By Pam Jones | 9 December 2013

New year, new challenges. In 2014 there will be more funding cuts, more upheavals and ever more demand for public services. The best way to motivate your team in trying times is to lead from the front, writes Pam Jones. Here are 10 ways to keep pulling together

Management Development Dec 2013

The arrival of a new year brings the anticipation of a fresh start. It’s a chance to reflect, to set some new resolutions and to take a fresh approach. Yet 2014 comes with the certainty that once again the public sector is to face demanding challenges. 

After sweeping cuts and restructuring there is still more to come. Increasing pressure on services means there is a need to be both innovative and proactive to continue to achieve high performance. 

There is also the need to motivate staff in the face of change. Teams may face restructuring or have to contend with new ways of working.

The public sector has always proved highly committed to its task and highly resilient even after the cuts it has had to sustain. 

More than ever, leaders have an important role in developing and mobilising their teams. To inspire each individual is paramount. They need to channel feelings of loss into positive forward-looking energy. Team members will have to support each other both practically and emotionally as they navigate any further changes.

To inspire your team in the year ahead is going to require a clear definition of roles and responsibilities, communication of team and individual successes, support for those sinking under the pressure of work, and team-building exercises to keep motivation on the right track.

Below are 10 practical steps leaders can take to develop and enhance the performance and morale of their teams.

1. Set clear goals

Teams need clear goals and a sense of purpose so they know what they are aiming for. The trick is for goals to be challenging but achievable, so break them down into objectives the team can relate to. Once people know what they need to achieve, they can focus energy on providing best value and monitor progress towards this.

2. Ensure everyone understands their role and accountability

A hallmark of a high-performance team is that it consists of a group of people who are accountable to one another to achieve shared goals. When team structures are changing, it is important that everyone understands their role and how it dovetails into the work of others. As services become more streamlined, this might require teams to focus on overall service provision and recognise their accountability in achieving the outcome needed. 

3.  Develop clear channels for communication

You need to decide the best way to communicate with your team – whether one-to-one meetings, regular team gatherings, newsletters or conference calls. The secret is to find a way to create regular updates so the team feels involved and knows what is happening. This is one area where you can get feedback: what will help the team members function to their full potential?

4. Listen and involve others

Spending time listening to your team is probably one of the best things you can do. It will help the members to feel valued and encourage them to come up with ideas and contribute to achieving the team goals. Team meetings are an ideal opportunity to brainstorm ideas and focus on developing solutions, allowing staff to come up with practical ideas on how to improve services.

5. Celebrate success and praise good performance

Remembering to celebrate success is an important element of good teamwork. High performing teams are those that achieve on targets and celebrate before moving on. Public sector teams are increasingly under pressure to meet an array of targets. Taking time to celebrate and praise people for their good work can provide a focus for the team and a feeling of achievement and progress.

6.  Invest in learning

Make investment in learning and development a priority. If people feel properly equipped to do their jobs they are less likely to become anxious about their work and more capable of coping with the challenges that are thrown at them. It’s not just about equipping people with technical or specialist skills, but also about helping them develop techniques to manage their workload and cope with setbacks. Activities that can help might include ‘lunch and learn’ sessions or small action learning groups where people can help each other by working through professional challenges.

7. Lead by example

Team leaders must set a good example. Your motivation and enthusiasm will directly influence everyone else. Team members will be looking to you for advice, support and leadership. Your standards will become their standards so take a few moments to reflect on your approach. What sort of leader do you want to be? And what sort of team do you want to create?

8. Communicate well and consistently

Good communication is not only about being clear, concise and coherent, but also listening well. If you aren’t taking the time to listen and understand what your team members are saying, you will have a difficult time inspiring them to action. Being consistent in what you communicate and how you communicate will make colleagues more likely to listen to you.

9. Treat team members as individuals

It’s important to manage your team as a cohesive unit, but that doesn’t mean each team member should lose their individuality. Get to know your team members on an individual level so that you can understand their work and management preferences. Tailoring your approach for each team member will make them feel valued and appreciated. 

10. Promote well-being

An open culture where there is a dialogue with staff and people feel valued and involved is the bedrock of a mentally healthy workplace. There needs to be a clear message from the top that it’s OK to say if you’re not coping and that the directors of the organisation support working sensible hours and expect people to take their lunch break.

Pam Jones is a director of Ashridge Business School’s ‘Performance through people’ programme and the author of Managing for performance, published by Pearson Prentice Hall 

This feature was first published in the December edition of Public Finance magazine


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