In memory of Derrik Hender

15 Oct 09

Derrik Hender’s former colleagues at West Midlands County Council have contributed an obituary on his death that well reflects his contribution to local government finance and the wider area of general management.

When he was appointed chief executive in 1969, Derrik was determined to work with only a ‘small, efficient secretariat’ to demonstrate to his colleagues his intention to work through them and their departments, and he looked to them to support him at the centre.

His approach to management concentrated on the impact that council services had on people’s lives rather than on the traditional channels that legislation and departmental organisation dictated. It is difficult to judge the success of such an approach then but frequent references in the press to communication failures of agencies might suggest that much remains to be achieved in this field.

Those of us who were privileged to know him and felt his energy, integrity and exceptional ability at first hand will forever be in his debt and will never forget him.

David Cranston
Newcastle upon Tyne

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