Peter Glynn raises an important point in how the public sector needs to re-evaluate its approach to realising benefits in times of a recession (‘Change for the better’, January 23—29).
With increasing competition in the construction industry driving down prices, one area of focus for public sector organisations will be through the re-evaluation of construction programmes.
Organisations will also have increasing pressure from the government to become more innovative in establishing best cost prices, market competitiveness and value for money.
Cost is vital in determining value for money, but with no set models for determining value for money in the public sector the time for change is now. Value models must change towards taking on market consideration, competitive pricing and establishing the correct price to determine value for money in the current economic climate.
It is time for organisations to ask themselves if their current framework or partnering agreement is still reflective of the cost savings and competitive pricing of today’s market.
Ken Morgan, head of public sector regeneration, John Rowan & Partners