Welsh women won’t keep mum over maternity services

2 Jul 09
Maternity services across Wales show unacceptable variations, the Wales Audit Office has found. The spending watchdog said a significant minority of women did not feel they were treated with dignity and respect, and were least satisfied with postnatal care.
Maternity services across Wales show unacceptable variations, the Wales Audit Office has found. The spending watchdog said a significant minority of women did not feel they were treated with dignity and respect, and were least satisfied with postnatal care.

The WAO also found that poor information about the cost and quality of services undermined planning. It recommended the Assembly Government produce a ‘comprehensive strategy’ for maternity services supported by a clear accountability framework. ‘Women in Wales should be able to expect the best level of care when having a baby. Whether their pregnancy, labour and postnatal phase is straightforward or whether they need special care and attention, they put their trust in the NHS,’it said.

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