Plan to ease A&E stress with plants and soothing colours

8 Apr 04
Hospital accident & emergency wards are due for a design make-over, according to an NHS Estates report on improving the patient environment.

09 April 2004

Hospital accident & emergency wards are due for a design make-over, according to an NHS Estates report on improving the patient environment.

Out go hot temperatures, high noise levels and banks of seating. In come more greenery, comfy chairs arranged in small groups, soothing music and the sound of running water.

Evidence suggests that plants and images of nature reduce blood pressure and increase concentration. Research also shows that the presence of plants can help people tolerate temporary pain.

The report notes that while many trusts have tranquil garden spaces, 'fewer have yet explored the potential of significant interior planting to any great extent'.

Other mood improvers include happy smiling faces, the presence of pets or non-threatening animals, representational artworks and the use of colours associated with nature, such as green and blue.

Health care workers, particularly A&E staff, face a far higher risk of violence from patients than other service workers. Increased levels of aggression have been linked to extreme temperatures, poor lighting, high humidity, poor air, noisiness and crowding.

The report, Modernising A&E environments, wants to reduce these negative factors with better interior design and practices.


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