Big and clever, by Gordon Nicolson

20 Jul 10
In Eden District in Cumbria, the Big Society is not a substitute for services at risk from cuts in public expenditure. It is all about harnessing the positive will and energy of local people.

In Eden District in Cumbria, the Big Society is not a substitute for services at risk from cuts in public expenditure. It is all about harnessing the positive will and energy of local people to lead and deliver on their community’s aspirations. This can range from more affordable housing to fighting to secure amenities such as the local pub.

We have played devil’s advocate to test the validity of their ideas, helped in the preparation of funding bids, felt the wrath of those who have been frustrated by officialdom and have worked with local people to overcome obstacles to progressing ideas and finding solutions.

Our approach has been based on finding out what is practically possible, and we have been inspired by the determination of local communities to succeed. What we have not done is to try to impose our ideas or to seek credit for what has been achieved.

When I was discussing the possibility of some recognition for the work of our communities with Rory Stewart, our local MP, he asked me what the council’s role in ‘future arrangements’ would be.

I said we wanted to continue to help communities when they ask for our support, but we didn’t want a Big Society officer, or performance targets or a prescribed programme because I felt it would be difficult for the council to be in the lead on local projects. Rory took this all on board and next thing I knew we were to be a pilot area for the Big Society and we were being invited to the launch in Liverpool yesterday with prime minister David Cameron.

The Big Society will provide our communities with access to funds through the Big Society Bank. I see our involvement as an endorsement of the approach we have taken to working with local communities.

I will end on a cautionary note. We do not have a template or a magic formula. What we do have is an approach that seeks to encourage and not stifle local initiative. We have some very imaginative and determined people in our many villages who appear to value our contribution to implementing their ideas.

Gordon Nicolson is the leader of Eden District Council, one of the four Big Society ‘vanguard communities’ announced by the prime minister yesterday

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