As we remember the sacrifices of those that have served in the armed forces, Riverside Housing Association’s Lee Buss writes about how Britain’s new Office for Veteran Affairs can act to end...
A government initiative to build 200,000 homes for first time buyers has failed to produce a single home since it was announced in 2015, the National Audit Office has found.
The Grenfell Tower inquiry report was released last week - more than two years after the Kensington and Chelsea block went up in flames. But progress on improving safety remains too slow, says the...
The number of rough sleepers in London has boomed in the past year and now stands at almost 4,000 according to an analysis of official data released by the Greater London Authority today.
Cartrefi Conwy won the Public Finance Awards Grand Prix prize this year. The housing association’s communications and marketing manager Annette Hennessey explains what winning the award meant to...
The government must increase the levels of housing benefit given to people in the private rented sector as families are being priced out of homes, according to a trade association.
There is just one week to go before the deadline for entries to the awards that celebrate excellence in the public accounting sector - next year’s coveted Public Finance Awards.
Groups have called for the housing crisis to be fixed after official figures revealed two homeless people died in England and Wales each day last year.
Housing should be considered infrastructure along with roads and rail to help solve the shortfall in UK homes, a housing association director has told the Labour conference.
The value of the government’s Help to Buy scheme is “uncertain” after going eight times over budget, according to a damning assessment by cross-party MPs.
Lib Dem spokesperson for housing Tim Farron has said charity Shelter’s proposals to build 3.1 million homes over the next 20 years were “ambitious, but we should do it”.
The number of homeless households in England rose 11% between the last quarter of 2018 and the first three months of this year, government figures have revealed.
Westminster must reform the Right to Buy and allow councils to keep all the receipts from homes sold under the scheme, the Local Government Association has said.