Commuters will be compensated for “unacceptable” rail disruptions following the chaotic overhaul of timetables last month, the transport secretary has promised MPs.
Councils spent £104m repairing potholes last year and a further £3.1m in payouts for damages caused to vehicles by potholes, according to industry research.
Highway authorities could gain powers to charge utilities up to £2,500 a day to perform roadworks, under plans put out for consultation today by the government.
The government’s plan to end the sale of petrol and diesel cars by 2040 could be hindered by public reluctance to switch to vehicles powered by alternative fuels, Office for National Statistics...
Campaign groups hoping to open new rail lines or stations must assemble a persuasive business case and know how to access funds, a new guide to the process advises.
Whitehall must spend more money on transport infrastructure in the North if the region is to fully contribute to boosting Britain’s economy after Brexit, IPPR North has said.
The Scottish Government is to pilot raising a levy on exhaust pollution from heavy vehicles, as part of a renewed drive to meet long-term C02 emissions reduction targets.
Labour’s shadow transport secretary Andy McDonald has accused the government of clinging to a failed privatisation model for running the rail network and pledged to take services into public...
The government must amend the Bus Services Bill to include rural transport and ensure services outside urban centres are protected from cuts, the Campaign for Better Transport has said.
Increased use of community transport providers could save public sector organisations an estimated £750m a year, a review by consultants Deloitte has found.
The government is to receive £68m in payments from transport firm First Group to operate the Great Western rail franchise for three-and-half years to April 2019.
A failure to plan river crossings across the UK have left many parts of the country with poor connectivity that has undermined economic growth, a committee of MPs have concluded.
Billions of pounds should be devolved to the North of England to rebalance the economy and revitalise the region’s creaking transport network, according to IPPR North.