The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills was Whitehall’s greatest user of cars last year, figures issued by Transport Secretary Philip Hammond have shown.
Prime Minister David Cameron today launched the government's National Infrastructure Plan, which sets out the country's infrastructure priorities and the scale of investment needed to meet them
Scotland’s free bus travel scheme for older and disabled people is open to error and fraud because of inadequate planning, according to a public spending watchdog.
The Local Government Association has called for radical reform of the bus subsidy system, which it said costs the public sector £1.3bn a year but gives it minimal influence over services.
Proposed changes to the distribution of the formula grant for local government would leave the capital £100m out of pocket, London Councils is claiming
Plans for environmentally friendly light rail schemes are likely to be shelved in the forthcoming emergency Budget because they are considered unaffordable, Public Finance has been told
All the major parties are promising big investment in infrastructure. But with private finance paralysed and cuts in public spending, where are they going to get the money from? Mark Hellowell...
The government should hand over responsibility for the road network to citizens through shares that would generate money through road tolls, according to a think-tank report
Birmingham City Council has admitted its £2.7bn highways Private Finance Initiative contract is still weeks away from being signed off, overshooting an April 1 deadline for works to begin.