Obituary: Sue Beauchamp

28 Nov 14
The many colleagues who knew Sue Beauchamp will be very sad to hear of her untimely death. The institute's thoughts are with her husband, family and friends.

The many colleagues who knew Sue Beauchamp will be very sad to hear of her untimely death. The institute's thoughts are with her husband, family and friends.

Sue held senior positions in county, metropolitan and London local government including Warwickshire County Council, Derby City Council, Kent County Council and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, serving in the latter from 2001 to 2008 as director of finance.

Sue was bright, thoughtful and the consummate professional. Her immense service to the institute was, for example, rewarded by the Sir Harry Page Merit Award in 2004 for her leadership of the working group that established the Financial Management Model. The FM Model is now adopted by governments and public sector organisations well beyond the UK. Indeed, Sue's contribution to CIPFA's development of global public financial management tools has no equal with her work authoring the Whole Systems Approach (WSA) and the centrepiece of the institute's Keystone Guides.

Most of all, Sue is remembered for her constructive advice and manner of working. Keenly bright and wise, she at all times wanted to find a good way forward and will be missed by the finance community both professionally and personally as someone who made a material contribution and deserved longer. Sue passed away after a long illness and leaves a husband, Tony, a son, a daughter and grandchildren.

Rob Whiteman, chief executive, CIPFA

For those wishing to write may wish to send condolences to Tony, we would be happy to forward your messages, please send them c/o Lynn Starr, Chief Executive's Office, CIPFA, 3 Robert Street, London WC2N 6RL. Or by email to [email protected]


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